Code Of Conduct

To ensure effective learning it is essential that good order and co-operation should prevail.  The governors, parents, staff and pupils of St Paul’s School have been involved in devising a code of conduct and every individual is expected to act in accordance with the principles which follow:
‘Love one another as I have loved you, so shall all men know you are my brothers, that you love one another’.  This is what sets St Paul’s apart, that as members of God’s family through baptism we recognise our call to love and to service.
Consequently, each member of the school undertakes to maintain the highest standards of courtesy, co-operation and honesty working to the best of our ability to enable us to grow into our full potential.
At St Paul’s we recognize the right of every individual to be safe at all times and accept the responsibility of ensuring that we never cause a person to feel unsafe by our actions or by our failure to act.

It is impossible to list all those standards of behavior expected of the members of our school.

Obviously anything against the law is forbidden e.g.

  • ss Threatening behavior or physical violence.
  • ss Vandalism or theft of property .
  • ss Use of any illegal substance.
  • ss Racist or sexist behavior.
  • ss Leaving litter.
  • ss Truanting.

  We show our concern for others in the way in which we act. 


 Worship together

  • ss in morning assembly.
  • ss subject teachers lead prayers at the end of the day.
  • ss form tutors ensure the morning session begins with a prayer.

 Be forgiving

  • ss we forgive others and we are ready to be forgiven.

 Be considerate

  • ss respecting others, making sure our actions cannot hurt or cause offence.
  • ss  making sure we avoid shouting or bad language.

Be responsible

  • ss recognising the way we affect our school community by our behavior.
  • ss accepting responsibility for our actions and being reliable.

Be punctual and ready for lessons

  • ss arrive on time.
  • ss have the necessary materials for each class.

Respect the environment

  • ss clear up after lessons, breaks and lunch.
  • ss avoid damage to furniture, buildings, trees, shrubs, etc.
  • ss do not drop litter.

Move in an orderly way

  • ss avoid running or pushing.
  • ss take care that bags are held in such a way they are not a danger to others.
  • ss hold doors open for people.
  • ss use paths.

 Take pride in our appearance

  • ss avoid absurd extremes in hairstyles or fashion.
  • ss follow the appropriate dress code.

 It is the responsibility of the teachers to:

  • ss negotiate positively with pupils.
  • ss ensure lessons are well prepared and appropriate for the needs of their pupils.
  • ss set and mark homework and to assess pupils’ work regularly.
  • ss show pupils that their work is appreciated and their achievement is recognized through appropriate comments, credits, display, referrals, etc.
  • ss maintain an orderly atmosphere in the classroom.

 It is the responsibility of pupils to:

  • ss bring correct equipment for each class.
  • ss to ask for help when they need it.
  • ss complete all class work and homework to the best of their ability.
  • ss be prepared to work with any member of the group.
  • ss accept advice from their teacher.
  • ss be obedient and wait their turn.